industrial welder-小9直播体育免费直播下载ios


industrial welding machine application mainly includes the two functional sections of “single-phase/ three -phase inverter” and “rectified output”

● single-phase/ three-phase inverter: high voltage mos, igbt

● rectified output: fast recovery diodes frd

product list
industrial welder
product model product encapsulation product category
2cr30k60an to-3p 快恢复二极管(frd)
bt40t120ckf to-247 igbt
2cr30k60an to-3p 快恢复二极管(frd)
d92-02 to-3p 快恢复二极管(frd)
bt25t120cke to-247 igbt
bt50t60anf to-3p igbt
bt60t60anfk to-3p igbt
bt40t60anfk to-3p igbt
cs9n90anhd to-3p mos
cs3n150ahr to-3ph mos
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